Sunday, February 23, 2020

Kent you stupid knob...

Saturday's snowshoe adventure was an annoying slog up Kent Ridge South, to a high point known as "The Knob." The fortune in my fortune cookie summed up our day aptly: The days that break you, are the days that make you.

The day started out promising with warm temperatures and a well beaten track, but that disappeared quickly, and we were soon sweating hard as we broke trail up unsupportive snow for a couple of hours. Of course we would re-find the well worn trail AFTER we'd blazed a new one through the most tedious and difficult parts. Aaarrrrgggh. Regardless, we got a great workout despite the lack of views (due to thick clouds and snow). Kent, you stupid knob.

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-8

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-6

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-2

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-1

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-3

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-4

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-5
Look at those sweet views of nothing...

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-7

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-9

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-10

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-11
Summit Brew: Lost Craft Eclipze Milkshake IPA.

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-12
Cookies and Cream Fortune Cookie.

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-13
A most fitting fortune for the day.

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-15

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-16

Snowshoeing - Kent Ridge South Knob-14

Sunday, February 16, 2020

"Too much rocks/ boulders" - McGillivray Canyon

Anita and I switched it up yesterday, and rather than try to summit a peak, we went to explore a gorgeous canyon instead. So I googled the route, and I kid you not, some genius wrote this review on a trail description: "Too much rocks/ boulders [sic]. I fell twice on the creek crossing the logs and rocks. Water was cold. 1 star." Now, I'm no expert... but this is like a yelp review where you ordered a soup and complain that it's too wet, and that you stabbed yourself in the face while trying to eat it with a fork. And that's why they should require you to pass a test before you're allowed online. Or outside. Or to dress yourself.

Anyways, dumbass internet users aside, the canyon was stunning (check out the photos), and owing to the fact that the parking area was well hidden, we only saw a couple others all day. Highly recommend, so long as you understand there are "much rocks/ boulders", and if you fall in the creek, you'll get wet.

McGillivray Canyon-2

McGillivray Canyon-4

McGillivray Canyon-3

McGillivray Canyon-5

McGillivray Canyon-8

McGillivray Canyon-9

McGillivray Canyon-6
Bit of an obstacle course. You try walking up a slippery log, with ice covering the walls for your handholds.

McGillivray Canyon-7

McGillivray Canyon-1

McGillivray Canyon-10

McGillivray Canyon-11

McGillivray Canyon-12

McGillivray Canyon-14

McGillivray Canyon-16

McGillivray Canyon-15

McGillivray Canyon-17

McGillivray Canyon-18

McGillivray Canyon-20

McGillivray Canyon-19<

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Snowshoeing Blacksmith Ridge

Some people spend their time trying to add years to their life. I'd rather spend time adding life to my years. So on a largely overcast and snowy Saturday, our mountain gang headed out to Kananaskis, and snowshoed our way up through endless forest, breaking trail in deep powdery snow for four hours to summit Blacksmith Ridge. Cold wind, unexpected tree well hazards, and flat light aside, we celebrated with beers and shenanigans atop this minor 2400m ridgetop. Having the summit (and largely the entire mountain) to ourselves was just an added bonus.

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-9

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-10

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-3

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-1

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-2

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-20

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-5

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-4

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-7

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-8

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-11

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-12

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-13
Summit Brew: Brewhall Mighty Morphin Sour Ranger.

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-14

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-15

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-16

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-17

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-18

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-19

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-21

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-22

Snowshoeing - Blacksmith Ridge - Feb 2020-23