Apparently it's currently Polaroid Week 2011. Which is coincidental in that I had no idea there was such a thing, but yet had snapped off a few Type 600 polaroids through my SX-70 in the past few weeks for fun. I do plan to post larger versions of some of these individual shots of these in the near future, but for now, a mosaic for your viewing pleasure. Click the image to view it large on black.
SX-70, Type 600 film, ND gel taped over lens to adjust speed.
From top (left to right):
1) Kicking back at home on the couch in my blue stripey socks
2) Sean and Vania giving us the 'What's up'
3) An unhealthy dose of chicken, fries, cheese curds and gravy from the Big Cheese Poutinerie
4) 3 members of The Workhorse Dojo (local Calgary band) ham it up in between songs of their set
5) Tubby finally sits still for a second in Prince Island Park
6) Anita and I, as photographed by Sean
7) Tree and light leak action!
8) The Dojo Workhorse ply their trade during a free show at The Core downtown
9) My newly faux-leatherette modded Holga
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