Monday, January 14, 2013

La Tour Eiffel... and a couple asses

Okay, so this isn't the promised start of photos from Vietnam, but they are pictures. That's a start, right? Plus, there are two really nice asses for you to check out (totally SFW too). For the film nerds: all photos shot with the Holga 120N on Ilford XP2 Super 400.

La Tour Eiffel

La Tour Eiffel

La Tour Eiffel

See, told you there'd be some nice asses to look at:
Random Holga photos-5

Random Holga photos-2

And for good measure, here's a goat, a car, and my sis-in-law and nephew. How's that for a completely random collection of photos.
Random Holga photos-6

Random Holga photos-3

Random Holga photos-4

Random Holga photos

And for the math nerds: This is my 333rd post to this blog.


  1. Triple three
    A Rhyming couplet
    Look out, internet!

  2. that goat is so cute!!!! and i LOOOOVE that holgarama eiffel tower. jesus christ man!!! that is delicious eye porn right there!
