I spent an hour at Costco yesterday. Nothing unusual, right? Unless of course, you're spending that hour NOT buying 8kg tubs of Vaseline, but rather are angrily getting schooled by M. Bison, Sagat, et al on the Street Fighter II arcade console they have for sale. It was 4:30pm when I started playing (an hour before closing), and I had it in my mind that they were going to have to call security to remove me from the premises before I would give up on finishing the game. The bloodlust had taken hold of me, and I was NOT going to leave without seeing the end. Luckily it didn't come to blows, as I beat M. Bison with 5 minutes to spare, and the store was able to close without me getting arrested for Hadouken-ing a bouncer or two. They're lucky.
Anyways, check out some photos. These were shot in New York, with the Holga on Kodak Tri-X 400 film, developed in Rodinal 1:25. I was messing around with the Exposure 4 Lightroom Plugin, and added the faux wet plate border for fun. Purists will scoff, but I'll likely never actually get to shoot wet plates in real life, so this is as close to that effect as I'll get. The film borders are real, only the wet plate texture is simulated. Don't judge...

Single Exposure

Double Exposure

Speaking of Hadouken-ing people, at the top of my list right now are the folks at Rogers Wireless. BASTARDS. But that's a story for another night.
These are awesome! And I love the border too :).