Monday, June 6, 2016

Brand New, Live at MacEwan Hall

Last night Anita and I tried to blend into a crowd of young kids at the Brand New (<-- that's the band name) concert at Mac Hall, and largely failed. While waiting for the doors to open, we scanned the crowd, and could not find anyone remotely close to our age... eventually we spotted two folks that appeared to be at least 30, and we were like, "YES! We just doubled our contingent!" Our age disparity to the rest of the crowd was fairly obvious when all the kidlets would snap photos and videos on their phones and immediately share them on Snapchat/ Instagram/ Twitter/ Text, while I was taking pictures with a device that was NOT also my phone (ie: an actual camera).

Anyways, we enjoyed ourselves, despite the terrible stage lighting that essentially backlit the band as silhouettes the entire night (see the photos below for examples). The only thing I could have used a lot less of was the "All you can eat buffet" of fuzz guitar feedback they insisted on pounding our ears with. We were foolishly standing near the left bank of speakers/ amps, and 24 hours later, my left ear is still ringing. If you have something to say to me, literally, please talk into my good ear.

For fans that are familiar with Brand New, but weren't there last night, they closed their show with a haunting version of the sing along crowd pleaser, "Play Crack The Sky," and it was just so perfect.

Brand New - Concert -10

Brand New - Concert -11

Brand New - Concert -3

Brand New - Concert -5
Oh look, more backlighting.

Brand New - Concert -7
What have we here? Lighting... from behind.

Brand New - Concert -1
And... yes. More backlighting.

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