For the camera nerds, the Instamatic 500 is a 50+ year old beauty (see photos at the end). It is shiny chrome on black, has full manual controls, and a Schneider-Kreuznach 38mm f/2.8 lens. Designed originally to take 126 film (obsolete), I reloaded a spent cartridge with 35mm film instead and shot some photos of Anita scrambling up the peak. The camera doesn't play nice with the film perforations of 35mm, yielding numerous slightly overlapping exposures. But despite the unpredictable overlaps, the results are still pretty awesome. All shots taken on expired Kodak T-Max 400.

Slightly overlapping exposures.

These are really good images, look at the place, it looks amazing. So does the camera work. Thank you for sharing the clicks with us