As the avalanche risk continues to be high for many peaks in the Rockies, we played it safe and took a short scramble up Heart Mountain yesterday, doing the counterclockwise circuit to Grant MacEwan Peak, and descending back down the northeastern ridge to the road. As if to emphasize the avi risk, we heard and then saw a massive avalanche on neighbouring Mount McGillivray while at the of summit Grant MacEwan Peak. Be careful out there.
Aside from some knee deep snow, and a few icy patches, it was a beautiful day. We were in largely good spirits until Anita slipped hard on a steep downhill ice slope, landing on her bum, and conking herself in the nose with her trekking poles. Then she was grouchy - at the ice, at her poles, at me ... pretty much at anything in near vicinity. :)
First peak down this season. Many more to go.
Just to give you an idea of how steep some parts of this scramble are.
Anita showing off some of her mad scrambling skillz.
A colleague remarked that 'We look too happy' for people scaling up rocks.
The massive Mt. MacGillivary, to the west of us.
Panoramic view. Click to see it bigger.
Because beers taste better up here.
Knee deep snow on the ridge leading towards Grant MacEwan Peak.
The painfully long, but incredibly beautiful descent.
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