Quick quirky story about dad-in-law: he has this inexplicable love for a terrible Chinese buffet not far from our place. Of all the delicious restaurants we could have taken him that night, he wanted this buffet. Imagine if someone asked you for your favourite sushi joint, and you said you like it fresh from the gas station. Queue the instant furrowed brows, and looks of judgement from your friends.
Anyways, I don't know where I'm going with this... so enjoy the couple quick photos from the hike, and a wolverine pelt we saw on display.

A wolverine pelt! Yes, wolverines are real. They're also occasionally known as Hugh Jackmans. True story.

Father's day Gin Saison. I wish I could claim to have bought this for the father-in-law, but he doesn't drink. So I'll drink it on his behalf.
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