Four weeks, four peaks. Gotta be proud of Anita, as I managed to convince her to do one more scramble with me this season in our continuing prep for Patagonia (and she totally kicked ass up this one). We started trekking up the trail towards Mt. Lawrence Grassi at around 11:30, and were eventually joined by a newlywed couple from Ontario, our new friends Amanda and Brandon. As we slogged up the relentlessly steep trail, it turns out they thought we were hiking up Ha Ling (a much shorter climb). The giveaway that this wasn't Ha Ling? Yep, that would be the complete lack of other people hiking it. Ooops. Between us four, and the two dudes who descended on our way up, we had the mountain to ourselves. By that point though, Nan and Bran were largely committed, and despite a few moments of panic, they soldiered up this steep scramble with us like experienced mountain warriors. Not bad, considering it was their first hike up a 'real' mountain. Good job guys, you did Woodstock, ON proud.

I love this Victory Pose photo!

While this peak is not far from the summit of Ha Ling, the summit offers a phenomenally better view of the Three Sisters.

Also, at the beginning of the Chinese New Year, I had set a goal of scrambling at least 5 peaks this year. Mission accomplished. With at least another good month of scrambling weather left, I'm going to try for 7 now.
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