I loved this girl's tattoo, so I asked to photograph it (I didn't feel like trying to capture it creepishly...)

The Steel Bridge (one of 10 bridges that crosses the Willamette River in Portland)

Georgian (NOT Atlanta, but think Russia) cuisine from a food cart. Cheese breads, dumplings, and eggplant w/ hummus rolls.

I liked the image she had on the back of her denim vest. But I didn't ask this time, and just creeped the shot.

Happy Hour at Dan & Louis' Oyster Bar.

Down the hatch!

Fish Tacos!! Happy Hour - 2 for $4.50

Parmesan garlic fries.

Golden Swiss chard at the Beaverton Farmer's Market.

As if orange and purple cauliflower wasn't different enough, how about this weird unique variation?

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