So, on this, the anniversary of Canada's 145th birthday, we spent the weekend living out the domestic life of a married couple. That is, we did laundry, walked the in-laws' dog, cleaned the house, gardened, cooked, and watched a lot of fracking TV. And it was surprisingly enjoyable in it's everyday-ness. We live half a block from Anita's parents, who are retired and don't feel right if they haven't cooked a meal for 8 every single evening. Seriously, I have to starve myself during the day, just so I can gorge myself at dinner, or else the leftovers would pile up like cars on an icy highway during the next day's commute. And since the in-laws are on vacation for a month, this gave us a chance to actually cook for ourselves. How novel! While others groan and sigh when they realize they have domestic chores to attend to, we (in our twilight zone, reverse adulthood sort of existence) find it a little like playing house when you're five years old...
At least we made it out to catch the fireworks. This year, I even managed to actually catch a couple shots (unlike last year's pathetic attempt). They didn't really turn out like I'd hoped, but given that we arrived late (again) and all the prime real estate had long been staked out, these were the best I could manage.

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