Okay, end rant. We scrambled up Tent Ridge today in gale force winds. I don't have the words to describe the beautiful views along the entire 10km long horseshoe shaped ridge walk that loops, so you'll have to trust me on this. For fairly limited effort (and a few sections of fun hands on scrambling), you don't get much more bang for your buck than this.

With Spray Lakes in the background, Anita climbs up towards the first major ridge.

At the false summit, everyone huddled up to try and escape the unrelenting wind.

After dropping elevation from the false summit, we were forced to slowly regain a couple hundred meters towards the true summit.

The Fist on the left, and Mt. Smuts on the right.

A long walk along the undulating ridge to one more highpoint, before dropping back into the valley.

Anita surveys the straight drop off down one face of the ridge.