So riding the transit is a big part of my day. Not because I enjoy it, but as with the other bajillion commuters jostling for the finite real estate of the bus in the mornings, I do it because I can't afford parking in downtown Cowtown. Meaning, I often see the same people every morning. The sounds of their jackets rustling, or music leaking out of their too loud/ poorly fitted earbuds, and their occasional conversations serve as my own personal army of bedtime storytellers, while the bus rocks me to sleep on my way to work. Nice, right? Except there's something incredibly shocking, horrifying, and embarrassing about awaking on a bus to discover you are in mid drool, and must make that loud slurping motion to rewind the 3 inch noodle of slobber abseiling from your mouth, threatening to join the kiddie pool sized puddle already glistening on the front of your jacket. Yes folks, in the hierarchy of the medieval bus riding populace, I claim the crown of court jester. If you can't be the elegant dame, dammit it all the hell, I'm gonna be the fool and be it well.
Okay, completely unrelated photos tonight, but I only had time to scan a couple frames of film. These are our friends, Marc and Ana, who live and teach English not far outside of Tokyo. We met up for a day and hung out in Shinjuku and Shibuya, camera shopped, ate Korean food, drank beer, did some more shopping, drank sake from a juice box, ate smoked oysters, and drank some more beer.
First two photos: Kiev 88, Arsat 80mm lens, Kodak Tri-X 400. Developed in Rodinal for 7:00min. Remaining photos - Fuji X100s.

Ana san.

Marcu san.

Fish Pastry!

Regular Marc


Ana decides this restaurant isn't good enough for us. Move on.

We settled on a Korean restaurant.


Marc's new favourite backpack.

Look at that beautiful light of golden hour.

Sake... from a juice box... bought from 7-Eleven.