Why the Stans, you may ask? Who decides 'Uzbekistan sounds like the a good place to visit'...? I'm not going to lie, I saw a friend post one photo from a hike in the Fann Mountains of Tajikistan (bet half of you wonder if that's even a real place), and that was enough to convince me that we needed to see the pristine beauty that is still largely unspoilt by over tourism. While there, we will be crossing off countries 42 - 47 on our list, celebrating 11 years of marriage, and hiking at 5000m above sea level for the fourth time.
Wishing you guys a nice end of your summer/ start of autumn, and we'll connect again in October. Take care!
Photos below taken last month at Two Jack Lake in Banff. Here's hoping we'll get some amazing clear night skies over in Asia.