Friday, July 31, 2009
Day 1
And so much for packing multiple cameras - in a day and a half here, I've managed to shoot 1 photo, and that was with the fricking point and shoot. I need to get off my ass and into the heat again.
Stay cool...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Weapon of Choice
I'm flying out to Vancouver tomorrow, and we're planning to drive down to Seattle for a couple days over the long weekend. I'm quite looking forward to this trip, as I haven't been to either city in a while. The only thing I hate about travelling is having to pick and choose your weaponry. Do I carry the D300, and a toy camera? Or how about a TLR? Will I use a tripod? Speedlight? How much film should I bring? If only I could lug it all with me... but alas, weight considerations trump, and I'm going with just the D300 and 17-55mm lens, a box of 120 and my Ricohflex TLR. It sounds ridiculous, but making that decision took me the last hour.
We've become so spoiled this year, literally travelling anywhere we want at will. If you count back to our honeymoon last October, we've done a month in Spain, 5 days in New York City, 3 weeks in Japan/ Hong Kong, and starting tomorrow 5 days in Vancouver/ Seattle. And then in November, we're undecided about where to go, but it's between Argentina, Chile, or Peru for 14 days. So many people sigh and snicker when they talk about married life. Me? Married life is treating me fantastic, and I couldn't ask for more.
Back in 5 days!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Buying locally grown food NOT good for the environment...?!
While not exactly presented in the same vein, this article reminded me of an interesting book called "More Sex is Safer Safe", by Stephen E. Landsburg. It is a book that uses logic to present counterintuitive arguments against what we would assume to be true based on common sense. If you're into ideas that challenge the status quo and would be denounced as somewhat subversive by more censor-ous states, you should check this book out. You can read the eponymous chapter here. Please keep in mind that I'm not telling you to go out and lead a promiscuous lifestyle, I just find these logic based arguments very fascinating.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Badlands are Badass

Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Hate Parade: Yin
So back to my lesson about impatience. I shot a roll of Kodak BW400CN through the Holga this weekend, and decided to take it in to Superstore for some 1 hour developing. Fatal error number 1. I explained that I needed the negatives uncut because the frames are irregularly spaced (as is expected with a holga), and non-standard sized for 35mm. Of course Mr. Teenage Punk behind the counter assures me that there is nothing to worry about - the lab cuts the film by hand, and will know to work around what I've described. And I take his word for it. Fatal error number 2.
So I go away for an hour, and come back to find the film has been processed, cut, and placed neatly into a sheet of negative strip holders. Except, the douchebag at the lab decided that he was going to cut the things blindfolded... and quite possibly using his feet to manoeuvre the scissors. Because there is no other way to explain how he managed to cut right through multiple frames that were clearly PHOTOS and NOT spaces between photos! It's not like he was trying to cut the strips to a standard length either (which could explain the above). Some strips were long, some were short, and some were so long that they stuck out of the end of the negative holder. Clearly, one would have to go out of their way to screw up a cutting job this badly! I stood dumbfounded for a few minutes as I stared at the massacre and injustice committed to this poor roll of Holga sprocket shots. I even pondered marching my hate parade up to the photo lab to punch the douchebag responsible in the junk repeatedly... and then going to town with the very scissors he effed up my film with. Luckily reason prevailed, and I came to the conclusion that it was my fault for being impatient, and downright STUPID for choosing Superstore over somewhere with a more distinguished photofinishing department. I should have waited and dropped this roll off along with the 2 rolls of 120 film that I was going to take to my regular professional lab downtown for processing the next day... but nooooo, I HAD to see something NOW.
So there you go - don't be impatient like me, or you'll end up in pieces like Dom up there.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The weird and wacky world of nature
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Digital Penetration
If you own a film camera, go shoot some film please. And then buy more. Repeat. Thanks. Or the likes of the images below will cease to be:
Thursday, July 9, 2009
100% Crop
Okay, boring photo geek post. If you're not into technical stuff about lenses, you can stop reading now and just look at the pictures. I was processing this photo last night as a black and white image, when it struck me as how incredible the Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8 lens actually is. The detail that is maintained when shot wide open is amazing. Below is a 100% crop of the above image. Shot at f/2.8, one expects the image to be a bit soft up close, but as you can see, there is still a lot of sharp detail in the knot, and the bokeh is really smooth and silky.
And while these next photos are not 100% crops, or any great showcase for what this lens can do, I still thought I'd post a couple portraits I took of Anita a week or so ago. It was her birthday yesterday, and I can't help but think how lucky I am to have her in my life. Mushy, I know. Sorry.

Monday, July 6, 2009
The Many Faces of Mariana
Mariana, my niece is turning 2 later this month. She's at that stage where everything she does is adorable. She imitates your every move, she tries to copy what you say (so be careful when you're proclaiming that someone "is in the crapper"), and her tiny little movements are just clumsy enough to make anything she does super cute. I wish she would stay this age forever!! I also wish she would stop calling me auntie. :)
Friday, July 3, 2009
...pigs having sex...
So now I think, with all this info available to all of us at anytime we so desire it, why are there still so many ignorant F-CKING stupid people effing up our everyday lives???! Answer me THAT, google!
While typing this out, and trying to find some unifying theme to this post, I realized that if you look at my iPhone's google search history, you'll find the search terms 'pigs having sex', 'Michael Jackson's kids', 'Dildo & Spread Eagle', and 'Crazy glue'. And they thought David Carradine was a pervert...