As with all good things, our journey through Eastern Europe has come to a close. It has been an incredible 73 days here, and we've covered a ridiculous amount of ground in that time. We are spending our final few hours in Gdansk, Poland doing the one thing that I absolutely detest about travelling - packing your shit up. It's almost 2 in the morning, and we have a 7:00am shuttle to catch to head to the airport, where we will then fly Ryanair (AKA discount air carrier hell) to London to meet up with friends for a few days. Then we head off to Brussels to visit some family, before jetting off back for home next Wednesday. Hopefully then, I will finally have some time to really go through my photos, post a few more sets, and shed a few tears about how I wished I had shot more film (I'm only at 41 rolls).
In the meantime, check this out. Media: Right index finger, on soft Baltic Sea sand. Quite possibly the best drawing I have EVER done.

Alright, time to finish unique beer number 94, then go to bed. Ciao!
-G that Bran castle with ...GODZILLA??? lol