Monday, December 6, 2010

Ottawa X-mas Bokeh

It's fracking cold outside!! I damn near froze my boys off trying to snap these X-mas lights bokeh shots in downtown Ottawa. And while I'm in a complaining mood, ARC the Hotel (yes, that's how it's called) doesn't have complimentary in-room internet. What EFFING age do we live in that you can't provide it for free? They damn near give it away at everything from coffee shops to dollar stores. How the frick can a hotel get away with charging for it?!

Who doesn't heart a little custom bokeh?


  1. did you then deduct those "complementary internet" taxes from your hotel bill then? was this a 1 star hotel?? THIS ISN'T EASTERN EUROPE YOU KNOW!!!!!

  2. Well, the rooms at the ARC aren't much bigger than a 1 star Eastern European hotel... so I ended up cancelling my booking here and will be moving to the Marriot down the street tomorrow. It's kind of lame to switch hotels just for free internet, but it's fricking cold outside, and rather boring here otherwise...

  3. Crosswalk button!
