While teaching a class on Saturday, one of my students asked me what I thought of the debate. I was a little wary of how to answer this, because talking politics can either forge bonds from the hate for a common enemy, or ignite fireworks of righteous indignation and sour relationships. Luckily we were very much on the same page, and we all agreed that Prentice is an out of touch and arrogant expletive deleted. Haters unite! Get out and cast your ballot on May 5, and stick it to this cockface!
And here are my students from said class. Photos taken with the Hasselblad 500CM, on Ilford Delta 400 film. Souped in Rodinal 1+24, for 9:00min at 68 deg. F.

Note to students: pay attention to your composition - a shoot through umbrella should not be part of your final portrait.
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