Okay, so this isn't the promised start of photos from Vietnam, but they are pictures. That's a start, right? Plus, there are two really nice asses for you to check out (totally SFW too). For the film nerds: all photos shot with the Holga 120N on Ilford XP2 Super 400.
See, told you there'd be some nice asses to look at:
And for good measure, here's a goat, a car, and my sis-in-law and nephew. How's that for a completely random collection of photos.
And for the math nerds: This is my 333rd post to this blog.
Triple three
A Rhyming couplet
Look out, internet!
that goat is so cute!!!! and i LOOOOVE that holgarama eiffel tower. jesus christ man!!! that is delicious eye porn right there!