I suppose the more likely explanation is just that my general lack of fitness (more like FATNESS) is the cause of my lethargy, and I just need to exercise more. Le sigh...
On with the photos. These were shot during dinner and drinks at Dada Cafe in Buenos Aires. Dada was a hole in the wall, dive bar kind of joint, but with a fully stocked bar, great service, and hands down, THE BEST STEAK I have ever eaten in my life. Cooked to absolute medium rare perfection, and mmmmmmmelt in your mouth meatasticness. Oh man, I would fly back to Argentina just for this steak.

These empanadas were not from the same restaurant as above, but rather just a window display we encountered on our walk back to our hotel.

The boutique hotel we stayed in. Lots of character.

Love the looks of that hotel!! Just say no to tape worms. -Amy