So who else is excited? Oh, nobody? Yeah, I figured. At this point, the smartphone market has reached a plateau of maturation and saturation, where updates and improvements have gotten evolutionary as opposed to revolutionary. While tech junkies continuously expect life altering leaps in technology, we sigh a collective ho hum when we get served up a not unexpected smartphone equivalent of a new flavour of Cheerios. Oh what's that? Now in Bacon flavour? Greaaaaat. Sign me up.
Having said all that, am I still likely to bow down and kowtow at the altar of the ghost of Steve Jobs and get a phone that's so big, I can't sit down, because it pushes into my pelvis while in my front pocket? Yes. I'm a moron, and I can't help it. Seriously though, the new phones are too big. Check out this article comparing it to an advanced camera.
While we're talking Apple, and phones that are too big, here are a quick few photos from the other Big Apple, NYC. I bought a Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 ultra wide angle while there, and it has become my new favourite lens. All but the first photo were taken with it.

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