Thursday, September 17, 2015

Gigantic Inflatable Bunnies!!! - Beakerhead 2015

If you're in Calgary this week, you should definitely head down to Central Memorial Park and see these gigantic bunnies, featured as part of Beakerhead (a smashup festival of science, engineering, and art), which you may remember I posted about last year here. These adorable inflatable white bunnies evoke a child-like wonder in me, and seeing Anita dwarfed by them reminded me of Studio Ghibli style anime films like Totoro, and also The Secret World of Arriety. See the resemblance for yourself in the comparisons below.

Beakerhead Intrude - White Rabbit-6

Beakerhead Intrude - White Rabbit-1-2
My Neighbour Totoro*

Beakerhead Intrude - White Rabbit-7

Beakerhead Intrude - White Rabbit-2-2
The Secret World of Arriety*

Beakerhead Intrude - White Rabbit-5

Beakerhead Intrude - White Rabbit-4

Beakerhead Intrude - White Rabbit-2
The previous four bunnies were located in a park. This other one is hidden (lost) somewhere else in the community of Victoria Park.

Beakerhead Intrude - White Rabbit-3

Beakerhead Intrude - White Rabbit-1
And a daylight version of one in the park.

*I don't own the copyright to the 2 cartoon images, I just plain old thieved them off of google images...

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