Monday, August 17, 2015

Film: The next mass extinction

Film is for dinosaurs. Literally, in this case. I shot a couple rolls of Kodak Tri-x through the Rolleiflex at the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller on Saturday.

Drumheller - 2015 -4

Drumheller - 2015 -5

Drumheller - 2015 -9

Drumheller - 2015 -7

Drumheller - 2015 -10

Drumheller - 2015 -8

Drumheller - 2015 -6

Drumheller - 2015 -3

The light was so low inside that these were shot at f/ 2.8 at 1/15s. I was mildly surprised that I managed to get fairly sharp images. Film processed in Rodinal 1+24, for approx. 8:30 at 68 deg. F. The 8.5 min dev time was a guesstimate to push the Tri-X about 1/2 stop.

And because the Rolleiflex' 80mm lens wasn't quite wide enough for these Albertosauruses, I shot a couple with the Fuji X100s and the Fujinon wide conversion lens.

Drumheller - 2015 -2

Drumheller - 2015 -1

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